Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You've Gotten This Far...Now What?

I want to say right up front that credit for this Choose and Defend Wednesday belongs solely to a fellow blogger. She had this great idea and wanted no credit, but really, I must give credit where credit is due. So, all thanks go to NoRegrets. Now, remember, all you have to do is make a choice and defend your choice with gusto. This week's choice is....



There you go! What would you do?

Hey! Don't be a pig...this here is a PG-13 blog...sort of. Gum, you pervert. Gum. *sigh* Spit or Swallow. Choose and Defend and make sure to thank the imp behind this silliness


Churlita said...

Oh, okay. If we're talking about chewing gum, then I definitely spit it out.

crazy4coens said...

Wow - again with the spitting - churlita is right - there are a few things i will not swallow and chewing gum is one of them.

cornbread hell said...

spit. and as soon as the flavor's gone if not just before.

to defend seems unnecessary.
do people over the age of 8 actually swallow? if so... why?

AlienCG said...

I can't swallow a hunk of rubber, because it would have to come out elsewhere. I have to say, SPIT. Final answer.

MrManuel said...

I guess it depends on what it is and how much...

Ananda girl said...

I have always been afraid that the gum will sit in there and pile up and cause some terrible jam that manifests in some horrible way. Yeah, I spit gum out.

Tara said...

I've done both with gum - when I was a kid I was actually too lazy to take the stale gum out of my mouth and throw it away, so I would just swallow it. My mom told me my stomach would turn into a big glob of bubble gum if I kept doing it.

Now I dispense of it properly. I spit it out.

laura b. said...

Churlita: I guess in this particular instance we are talking about gum. One Spitter.

Crazy4Coens: I know! I totally thought of that when I read your blog! Two Spitters.

Cornbread Hell: Hey, I'm not here to judge anyone. Spitters and Swallowers are equal here in Fresh Hell, no matter what their age :-)
Three Spitters.

AlienCG: It is true...what goes in must come out. Four Spitters.

MrManuel: It is gum and it is, oh, one or two pieces maybe. On the fence, eh? You are a renegade here.

Ananda: I think that is a universal fear :-) Five Spitters.

Tara: haha! Oh we do outgrow those childhood habits, I guess. This former Swallower makes Six Spitters.

Everyone: I had a feeling about this one...but found it amusing anyway. Feel free to weigh in and tell us your thoughts on Spitting vs. Swallowing!

MrManuel said...

If it is gum, then neither! I hate gum!

laura b. said...

MrManuel: But say a piece somehow made it's way into your mouth...sounds like you'd probably spit it out, right? Hm? Spit? :-)

Sebastien Millon said...

I think I will pass on this one ;)

As for gum, always spit, yuck, wouldn't want to swallow that. I was told it would kill me.

laura b. said...

Sebastien: Spitters rule it seems. Unanimity achieved!