Welcome to another Saturday. Since today is Saturday, we get to show off our mad Saturday Scavenger Hunt skills! This week's word, FUNCTION, comes to us from new participant
3GirlKnight. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with this but then I started thinking about...things. Things and their FUNCTIONs. And, since I am entirely self-centered, I thought of
my things and how they FUNCTION for
me! Here are some things that FUNCTION well for me, helping to make me a happier person. It turned into kind of an homage to appliances or electronics or something. Unfortunatly, my favorite could not be pictured here. Keeps me happy, but you know...it's personal. Ahem...moving on...
You will recognize this as a computer. It is mine and it's FUNCTION is to connect me to the outside world. Sometimes, I feel a bit addicted, but I assure you that my children make sure that doesn't happen :-)
Here is my television. In addition, I was able to honor Netflix here...see? That is a DVD of Six Feet Under on the screen. I think you can see me as a ghost in the background. But I'm getting off track here. Shocking. Um, the FUNCTION of my television (and Directv and Netflix) is to keep me entertained when I just can't read anymore. Yes, it happens.
No post about appliances / electronics FUNCTIONing to keep me happy would be complete without mentioning my Mr. Coffee. I have the most basic one, but he FUNCTIONs like a champ, brewing my coffee whenever I need it. He's always there for me. *sigh*Now, now, save your judgement! I know my relationship with my things may be a FUNCTION of my somewhat loner-ish life! I see it, I admit it. Still, something on earth should have as it's main FUNCTION making my life a little better. I deserve this, don't I? Sure I do. We all do. Run along now. Just please...don't ask me what my major malFUNCTION is. I couldn't begin to answer.
Read around...see how everyone else is FUNCTIONing today...and don't forget to check with
3GirlKnight to see who he is tagging for next week!
I have a similar relationship to the electronics and appliances in my life. Especially the things you showed in your pictures. Mine also serve their FUNCTIONS quite well.
I agree with all the devices pictured here! I would add, however, the coffee grinder, cuz my grinds gotta be fresh. That's just the way I roll.
Nice! I like your functions and have very similar ones that are important to me as well.
I am late on my post... got caught up until late last night with punk world. Yikes... I did not function well this morning.
Should be up in about an hour.
we all function better and much happier for our beloved appliances.. Go Mr.Coffee Go!
AlienCG: Some things just work, don't they...
Crazy4Coens: Ooh, fancy! I love coffee but am not at all selective about it. I need to develop my palate or something :-)
Ananda: haha! I can imagine getting caught up in the punk world! Your post turned out beautifully, and we couldn't even really call it late :-)
Mrs: Glad to see another fan of the Mr. Coffee. He does deserve kudos. It is so cool seeing you around again!
Excellent photos as always! I love it when a coffee maker functions properly. Which reminds me, I need another cup of coffee.
laura - you are better off not being picky - stay just the way you are :)
I love the photo of your TV with you as a ghost in the background. Probably because watching movies on my TV is one of my favorite things too.
Tara: As far as I am concerned, anytime is a good time for another cup of coffee :-)
Crazy4Coens: Aw! Thank you. I try to improve myself in little ways...my taste in coffee might not be one of them :-D
Churlita: I feel sad sometimes when I realize how happy I am when I have something really good to watch on TV. Such a fan of being a fan...
Ahhh, Mr. Coffee, I have such fond memories of you.
I also have discovered that I just can't FUNCTION without coffee. I was on the wagon for all of 4 days! Although I've totally sworn off the coffee at work, I now make a point to go out of my way for the good stuff. It's a sickness...
Wonderful pics and post!!
Sebastien: Aw, have you and Mr. Coffee parted ways? How could you do it?
3GirlKnight: I have heard that when you feel dependent on something (as I do on coffee) it is not a bad idea to make yourself hold out for the good stuff. You are probably on to something there :-) And thanks!
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