Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fancy Dress Party

It is almost Halloween, so on this lovely Choose and Defend Wednesday you get to Choose a costume to wear! Yay! It is a general sort of choice, of course...although feel free to get as specific as you want in comments.

So, this Halloween do you want to be...


Or do you want to be...


I almost added a third category of Sexy, but by executive decision disqualified it. Maybe you can convince me it could be cute...feel free to attempt this defense. Choose and Defend is the game. Let's play.


Tara said...

A little in between scary and cute, I guess. Scute. If I didn't worry about scaring the hell out of kids in the neighborhood, I'd totally dress scary, though.

There are loads of "sexy" costumes at the costume shops now. That's all well and fine, but the only time now that I can get a chance to dress up is at work. Don't wanna look sexy at work. There was a Ghostbusters costume for women, but the shorts of the suit were so, so short. Too short for work. I had to move on.

Churlita said...

People confuse sexy with slutty, so I can see why you left it out. I'm usually scary...Even when it's not Halloween. I guess I'll have to go with my strengths and vote for that.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I would say cute.. I haven't gotten dressed up in years.. but I would still go as cute..

MrManuel said...

If money wasn't an option and I had the time, it would be scary every time!

laura b. said...

Tara: Scute! That's perfect :-) I never really got the sexy at Halloween thing. There are other occasions where it makes a lot more sense.

Churlita: Well, you're scary smart and scary scary it is! And yeah, it is weird how sexy and slutty got all interchangeable.

Mrs: You have a head start on cute :-) Maybe when you feel LHM is big enough for trick or treating you can dress up to take him out.

MrManuel: haha! I am somehow not surprised. Can't wait to see you and Miss Sassy Pants as Gang Green :-)

Everyone: So far, 2 scary, 1 cute, and 1 scute....I would be scary too, if it wasn't for work and not wanting to frighten the little guys. So 3 scary. Scary is killing here!

NoRegrets said...

Those babies are great!

laura b. said...

NoRegrets: There are so many clever people in the world thinking of these original costumes. Wish I were one of them.

laura b. said...

Everyone: Oh! That is one more for cute, so scary isn't killing so hard anymore. Watch your back scary.