Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When It's Time for Leavin', I Hope You Understand...

Here we are, well in to summer on this fine Choose and Defend Wednesday. We all deserve a vacation, don't you think? Let's do some traveling! Alright, that's settled. But of course there is a decision to be made... First, let's remove the distracting restrictions of time and money. Both will not bother us here. Awesome, right? All you have to do is make a choice about how you prefer to travel. Choose. Then explain your preference to the rest of us. Defend. So? What will it be?



Of course you should feel free to throw in any details you wish to about your trip. Details are always welcome. But at least, I beseech you, Choose and Defend. Thanks!!!


Ananda girl said...

Oh what a difficult choice! If I fly I can be there much sooner and have more time in that location. Plus it's easier than driving across an ocean!

But if I drive, I can enjoy my travel time as much as the rest of the vacation and stop where inspiration hits me. I love to learn new things and see unexpected places.

Okay, so this is how I am making my decision... Since money is not a problem and I have all the time in the world... I'm going to drive and stop at anything that catches my fancy between visits with people I'd dearly love to see. I keep myself limited to the North American continent. Besides, they don't have a plane that goes to the world's largest ball of string do they? ;)

Anonymous said...

Drive. I think previous posts regarding my traveling adventures are explanation enough. Just in case you don't know me...

1. I like to be in control when I travel.

2. I like to continually move, not just sit and wait.

3. Airports are expensive and nerve-racking.

4. I like to make it my option if I want to take my shoes off.

DRIVE, definitely.

dmarks said...

There's always the train option.

Or cheaper yet:

"Run, Forrest Run!"

crazy4coens said...

Since time and money are not an issue - I would love to drive in a big ass rolling home across the country. I would do Canada and South America, too - since this is pretend time and safety is not an issue, either. Yes indeed - drive in a big ass rolling home. Thanks for asking!

crazy4coens said...

Also - I love the pictures!

Sebastien Millon said...

I prefer driving. Why? Because I have way too many nightmares about dying in an airplane crash! Plus, I do enjoy the scenery when driving and getting to have control over stopping where you want, taking pictures, getting out and doing fun stuff.

Tara said...

Flying! I've always loved the excitement of having a plane ticket in hand, waking up at the break of dawn to catch a cab to the airport, then hearing that our plane is ready for boarding. I know that we're going some place fun.

laura b. said...

Ananda: A good and well thought out answer. That is how we play! One for Driving.

AlienCG: We may have heard a tale or two of woe regarding air travel from you :-) Two for Driving.

Dmarks: Well, there are always other options! But we are playing Choose and Defend. *sigh* One for run, Forrest, running...

Crazy4Coens: See how fun travel is with no pesky restrictions? Excellent. And thanks! Three for Driving.

Sebastien: You might be okay in a plane, as long as a cat wasn't at the controls. I like your reasons! Four for Driving.

Tara: I have flown so seldom that to me it has that sort of mysterious glow as well :-) One for flying.

Everyone: So far, Driving is ahead of Flying 4-1, with Dmarks playing the Tom Hanks role. If anyone else has an opinion, and I know you do, share it!

Sebastien Millon said...

I was under the impression that cats make up a bulk of this country's licensed unionized pilots...

laura b. said...

Sebastien: Ah, you are mistaken! Most pilots are actually fish (as in drinks like a....) Wait, that probably doesn't help, right?

Pamela said...

I read this and couldn't comment...blogger issues. But, I like both, but if I had the time, I'd rather drive. It's a more interesting experience.

laura b. said...

Pamela: I get blogger issues at work sometimes when surf control decides that comments are streaming media or something for some reason.
You are Five for Driving.

Driving is kicking Flying's bum.

Churlita said...

I'm a fan of roadtrips. Sometimes happening upon things is better than just picking a destination and going straight there.

laura b. said...

Churlita: I fully agree...therefore, you are Six and I am Seven for Driving.
I think we can safely declare Driving the winner by a landslide :-)