Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So He Hid It in the One Place He Knew He Could Hide Something....

According to The Eclectic Spaghetti Calendar today is More Cowbell Day, in honor of Christopher Walken's Birthday. You go, CW! I think he's a cool guy. He's seems smart and funny...and I don't know...just kinda cool. He's been in a bazillion things, because he says he doesn't like to turn down work. He's definitely not an acting snob. Among my favorite movies that he's been in are: Dead Zone, Wayne's World 2, Pulp Fiction (recognize the quote?), Scotland, PA, Joe Dirt, Pool Hall Junkies, Wedding Crashers, and Hairspray. There are many others I'm sure I've enjoyed too, but these are the ones that come to mind (it's weird up there, trust me.) I also love that he is a dancer. Yeah, that is smokin', right? I alway get a huge kick out of watching the video to Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice".Work it Mr. Walken! Raise your cups and toast this fine, versatile actor. "More Cowbell!"


Anonymous said...

The title of your post definitely caught my eye. Why anyone would even touch that watch after that is beyond me.

I remember seeing the Fatboy Slim video for the first time on IFC.

Tara said...

"I've got a feavah! And the only prescription is more cowbell!"

He is in tons of movies, but yes I loved him in "Dead Zone" and he was also good in the remake of "The Stepford Wives".

Churlita said...

He's great. I love that Fatboy Slim video and the song too. He's kind of creepy looking, but somehow still hot.

laura b. said...

AlienCG: I remember the first time I saw that, thinking that little kids is going to be so grossed out he won't want the watch... And he reached out and snatched it right up!

Tara: haha! I love how a phrase like "more cowbell" can become universally funny.

Churlita: Yeah, personally, I seem to have a little thing for these older, sort of unusual looking guys. What is that about? :-)