Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Love You. How Do You Want It?

haha! Do you like that title? Well, anyway, I thought that for today's Choose and Defend Wednesday I would let you Choose your own Valentine's Day gift. I know there are many, many mixed to negative feeings about this particular holiday. I hear you there. Still, don't let that stop you from playing. Indulge me.

Be mine, Be mine
Sweet Valentine...

You may Choose...


You may Choose...


What'll it be, Sweetheart? Anything your little heart desires. As long as it is flowers or candy :-) Choose and Defend on this pre-Valentine Wednesday. xoxo <3


Anonymous said...

Candy. You can't eat flowers.

Tara said...

Oh LB, you do know how to make us think. I love the chocolates, I can't deny that. Love the mixed ones like the ones in the photo. But I think I'll choose roses. They smell amazing. And actually, according to the movie and book, "Like Water for Chocolate", you can eat some roses.

k_sra said...

I'm going for flowers, too. Somehow they are more decadent or elegant or something... : )

Thank you, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Churlita said...

I love flowers and buy them for myself and my girls often. I love sitting down for a big Sunday dinner with fresh cut flowers on my table.

So, I guess I choose flowers too.

Pamela said...

Flowers - not because you can't eat them and thus gain weight, but more because they are so frivlous, sort of. Candy at least is to be eaten. Flowers, well, are pure beauty.

laura b. said...

Alien: Candy is definitely more tasty than flowers :-) One for candy.

Tara: You make a good point! So you can have your roses and eat them too :-) And one for flowers.

K_sra: There is a certain decadence to cut flowers, good defense! Two for flowers...and you have a nice Preggo Newlywed Valentine's Day!

Churlita: I am happy to hear you buy yourselves flowers. Of course, you totally deserve them! So, three for flowers...

Pamela: I like that defense, too...choosing something just because it is beautiful. Four for flowers.

Everyone: I was definitely swayed by your defenses here! I was going to choose candy, because I really, really love candy. However, I was won over by the thought of the pure beauty and decadent pleasure of right now, our boy is the one for candy...and five ladies are going with flowers. Remember that it is never to late to Choose and Defend, so speak up!