It has turned out to be another double postin' sort of Wednesday. I'm sure it won't become a habit. At any rate, after celebrating the wonder that is my 3rd boy, I decided that I still needed to present Choose and Defend. You know the game, I give you a couple of perfectly inane choices and compell you to choose one and then defend your choice.
This week, in honor of the carrot topped Social Animal, I will even give you three choices rather than the usual two. Lucky bastahds!
I ask you....blondes, brunettes, or redheads? What's your preference?
You know you have a preference, even if it is buried deep in your dig deep so that you can Choose and Defend! Go on.
I have to say...redheads.
I do love guys who are brunettes. Blonds are cute, redheads are unique, but I'm attracted to the brunettes.
I like the darker, swarthier men, but I think that's because I had red hair until I was five and still have some red in it. i guess I'm attracted to something different than myself. Although, the guy I've been sort of seeing, has red hair. It's not that fire engine red and he doesn't have tons of freckles - he's what my daughter calls a day walker (is that from South Park?)
I have been friends with many red-headed girls, but never dated one.
I have never dated a blond.
I guess brunettes are my preference even though I really don't care about hair color all that much.
He, how is the new pad?
Redheads are unique, so I think that there are lot of fake ones. Fakes. That marks this one down, to me.
AlienCG: He likes 'em fiery!
Tara: Like Dougray!
Churlita: ha! Yes, that is from South Park :-) As long as you are not dating a "ginger", you good to go.
Evil-E: You think you don't care about hair color, but I think your dating pattern tells a different story ;-)
Viki: I'm adjusting. Thanks for asking.
Dmarks: I see your point. While many women dye their hair, there are way too many redheads walking around to match the 2% statistic or whatever it is...
Everyone: As of now, we for the redheads, four for brunettes (counting me), with no love for the blondes! Surprising, a bit. Any other votes?
red heads.... cause I am one.. they seem to have almost all the fun...
Mrs.: One more for the redheads, bringing that total to two!
Red-ish, theoretically, but really brunette.
NoRegrets: Ooohh! The redhead affecionados are gaining fast on the brunette admirers!
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