Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Trouble Posting Titles? Yes.

For some reason in my blog writing form, I cannot click on the "title" section. Whats that about? Anyone? Anyone?

Okay, I had intended to write a little summary of my weekend yesterday. However, I didn't get a chance and am barely getting a chance today. I did want to quickly mention, though, that I got a chance to see two pretty good movies. One was called You Kill Me, with Ben Kingsley (hottie hot hot), Tea Leoni (points on for being married to David Duchovny), and Luke Wilson (the less scary Wilson brother). I am not sure this movie will open wide, but if it comes around you should check it out. The second one I saw was Sicko. I won't get up on my high horse, because that is boring. But if you have a little sense of me here you can probably guess that I dig Michael Moore and his messages for the people. Still, I also understand how abrasive some people find him. Still, still, why not check out Sicko? It is pretty interesting no matter what your politics.


Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I watched a movie with Mark Wahlberg yesterday.. called Shooter.. It was from the same people that made Training Day with Denzel Washington.. It was pretty good but not as good as Training Day..I will never watch Michael Moore.. He's a joke..

Tara said...

For the past few days I've had problems typing in the title of my blog postings. I thought it was my own computer. What I did was click on the border of the title box, and that seemed to help the cursor appear.

I've heard Sicko was pretty good, but I'll have to be in the mood to take Michael Moore.

dmarks said...

I've seen Moore's "Canadian Bacon", but that was because it was a John Candy movie.

laura b. said...

BabyBull: I liked Training Day, but haven't seen Shooter yet.

Moore looooves Canadians :-) In his eyes you got it all going on up there!

Tara: Thanks for the title box tip, I will give it a try.

He actually doesn't appear in this movie as much, but of course it is his story. Having been negotiating the HMO system I may have found it particularly interesting.

DMarks: I miss John Candy! I don't think I ever saw Canadian Bacon though...

minijonb said...

I had a problem with titles this week as well. Reloading the page sometimes helped. It seems to not be a problem today...

And I'm sure I'll catch Sicko eventually. Maybe when it's out on DVD.

laura b. said...

MiniJonB: Yes, today it seems to be one more problem resolved :-)
His movies are sort of fun to see at the theater, because people cheer and things. I find that doesn't happen to often at the theaters these days.

Churlita said...

A friend of mine has HUGE issues with Michael Moore but absolutely loved Sicko

laura b. said...

Churlita: I'd say it has to be one of his easier sells...I mean, who loves our healthcare system in the States?