Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Language I Don't Speak and They're Talking It to Me

Time, time, time to Choose and Defend.  Wednesday.  AND my last day at work before my little vacation...which is really more of a long weekend, but STILL!  I was trying to think of what we could possibly Choose and Defend this week and I found this particular scenario being discussed.  Seemed perfect for us, so I am going to ask you...Would you rather....

Always Have to Say What's On Your Mind

Never Say Anything at All

So, what'll it be, chickadee?  Choose one or choose the other.  Defend your choice using all your best powers of persuasion.  Ready, steady, GO!


Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

It depends on the situation.. I love to talk.. but not hear myself talk.. I would choose the latter.. never say anything at all!

Tara said...

Since I don't usually say anything at all, I'll go the opposite direction and choose that I always have to say what's on my mind. Afterall, I have purely innocent thoughts running through my head all the time. You believe me, right? >;)

Pamela said...

ALWAYS have to say what's on my mind? That would be hell for me and for everyone I know. Because thoughts go through your head that should never ever be spoken, which half the time are meaningless in the end.

Churlita said...

I think communication is the key. If people could diplomatically tell others what they thought, out world would be so much better. I don't ALWAYS tell people what's on my mind (and that's why I'm not in jail right now). But for me, not knowing what someone's thinking is worse than knowing. I'd like to make educated decisions about my person relationships.

AlienCG said...

I'd love to be more outspoken. I'm a bit half and half normally, sometimes I wish I were more assertive. I am going to choose ALWAYS HAVE TO SAY WHAT'S ON MY MIND.

Sebastien Millon said...

I'd rather go blah blah blah! Love that picture for that as well, too cute and perfect.

secret agent woman said...

I don't think i'd like to spend a life in silence, so I'll go with always say what's on my mind.

laura b. said...

Mrs: haha! I like what you like to talk, but don't like to hear yourself talk...I suspect a lot of people share that feeling for themselves. One for Silence.

Tara: Yes, I'm sure a sweet girl like you would only have kind things to say anyway :-) One for Talking.

NoRegrets: I know, right? Always is extreme, can you imagine? So I am putting you down as Two for Silence.

Churlita: Boy, do I hear you. I hate having to guess what someone is thinking or feeling, even when it would hurt me to know for sure. Two for Talking

AlienCG: I think you could totally pull it off :-) Three for talking.

Sebastien: hee hee! It is cute, isn't it. I am not surprised you want to blah blah blah. Four for Talking.

Secret: I think you are another one who could totally get away with that. Five for Talking.

Everyone: Interesting. The majority of you would rather risk being compelled to say exactly what is on your mind at all times, rather than forever being silent. Right now the vote stands at 5 to 2. Do you disagree? Speak up, either way...just this once :-)

FW said...

I have two sides to me, in public I don't speak until I think I've something to contribute. But at home I probably talk too much and most of it is complete nonsense. I would go for always speaking my mind, just because I don't normally do that in public.