Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stuff and Things

So. Lots going on lately. Maybe I have sort of, kind of been avoiding talking about the things I'm too stressed about. Things at home have been kind of bad lately. WTG is on a constant rampage against me. I want so badly to be able to get away from his influence, but between our mutual financial obligations I just don't see a way. That isn't to say that there is no way...just that I can't find it yet. I am so tired of being treated like sh*t.
Also feeling bad now because my planned get together with the Swordsman has been short circuited AGAIN. I am frustrated and I am afraid that he is just going to throw in the towel and say 'forget it' with me. There is so little to stop him from doing that. When I spoke to him on the phone earlier today, it was all one and we were just madly happy. Very shortly after, I got the phone call that put the kibosh on it all. I had to email him with the news and haven't yet heard back. Maybe I won't. And that thought makes me deeply despondent. Damn.
I have been reading like a good little library monkey. The last thing was The Virgin Suicides, which I had been waiting to read for ages, it seems. Now I am a solid Jeffrey Eugenides fan and look forward to whatever comes next.
Oh, and the next CD I buy will probably be The Thrills. It ain't new, but I am so happy everytime I hear "One Horse Town" on the radio that I think I should own the whole shebang.

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