Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Getting Better All the Time

I am feeling and sounding better, getting the cough and assorted respiratory problems under control. I am almost embarrassed at how happy I am about that...the joys of growing old and feeble - haha!!!

Things are going along fine at work and at home, for the most part. Setting up a date soon to have a nice breakfast with Milly and K. I miss working with K. and we don't get to talk to her that much these days, so I am truly looking forward to seeing her.

Looks like I will definitely be taking a meeting with the Poet at the end of the week...the thought fills me with both trepidation and excitement. I can't wait to see what happens next! I also talked to Team C today and the possibility exists for an adventure this week as well. My feelings are mixed at this point. Things are getting mildly complicated, but not very often so I'm going to just try and maintain status quo all around.

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