Saturday, November 5, 2005


I made at least one connection that needed to be made today vis-a-vis my wicked telephone. I spoke to that Poet and reintroduced him to the idea of moderation and...shall we say...reality. He's more a fantasy fan, though. Different strokes for different folks, as Sly Stone would sing it :-)

Last night WTG and I went out to the Improv together to see Bob Saget. His act wasn't unfamiliar to me. He does the whole riffing on his image thing...Full House, America's Most F'ed Up Home Videos, his ex-wife, his daughters...Not the most hilarious guy ever, but there is something about him that is very appealing for some reason. Also, it was fun to go out somewhere like a grown up. WTG was on good behavior and paid for dinner and the club. I have learned that detente never lasts long with us, but even a temporary cease fire can be a relief.

I did solve Thursday's problem, to some degree, but that is only because I am an expert in the Fine Art of Pleasing L.B. Sad, but true.

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