Monday, October 3, 2005

L.B. Gets Her Groove Back

No, it wasn't a younger man. I should be so lucky! I'm just recovering from last week's hideous cold or whatever that was and feeling much more chipper. Saturday I did some yard work tagteam fashion with my fab teenage son. I have to say he is about the most helpful of any of that reckless feckless flock. (My children are not really either of those things, but don't the words have a nice ring to them?) Anyway, we even had a little barbeque that evening, so that was pretty cool.
On Sunday, I got up and went out for breakfast with Milly and KK (my former boss and current friend) We went to Twohey's Image Hosted by
It was a yummy breakfast and it was so awesome to catch up with KK, who has been a busy, busy woman lately.
Got back home before the day had even really begun around there and spent it pretty quietly. So, I'm feeling rested enough to get through another week of...whatever.

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