Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is It Cool to Go to Sleep On the Floor?

It is Wednesday, which means it is your chance to Choose and Defend.  This week, it is all about being Tom Petty would say, "The waiting is the hardest part."  He may be right.  So here are this week's choices -

Would you rather be trapped for five hours:

In an Elevator

On Top of a Ferris Wheel

Okay, I understand that your impulse is to say - Neither, thank you.  But what if that isn't one of your choices?  What if it is one or the other?  And since this is Choose and Defend, of course it is one or the other!  So let's hear it.  Choose and Defend!


Tara said...

If I got stuck on an elevator, would I have groceries on hand in case I got hungry? If that's the case, then I choose the elevator. I don't even like getting on ferris wheels if they're functioning.

NoRegrets said...

Ferris wheel! That would be fun. Lots to look at. As long as no thunderstorm came in...

MrManuel said...

Unless I am on the very bottom of the ferris wheel, the elevator every time. I am afraid of heights.

Churlita said...

I guess I'd say elevator...Unless I was stuck in there with someone really annoying.

Casual Practitioner said...

I agree with NoRegrets: as long as there was no weather coming, I'd be happy to sit atop a ferris wheel a while -- get some view and some air. I was actually trapped in an elevator one time - after an all-staff meeting - twelve other people in there. The air was getting thin quickly.

secret agent woman said...

Assuming good weather, definitely the ferris wheel! At least there would be fresh air.

laura b. said...

Tara: It could be your lucky day with the groceries :-) And I'm with you on the ferris wheels, I have to admit. One for Elevator.

NoRegrets: Let's give you good weather! I had a feeling you'd choose that one. One for Ferris Wheel.

MrManuel: Oh, hear hear. Fear of heights in the hizouse. Two for Elevator.

Churlita: I will give you The Guy in the elevator. Yay! Three for Elevator.

Casual: Having lived through an elevator adventure, I can see where you might want something different :-) Two for Ferris Wheel.

Secret: You are granted the good weather. Yay! If I wasn't so afraid of heights, I'd choose fresh air, but I am. Three for Ferris Wheel.

Everyone: Interesting! All tied up at 3-3. Need a tie breaker...anyone else?

feefioto said...

Oh, I'd definitely go for the Ferris wheels as long as: the weather was fine and I had access to a bathroom. In that case I could stay up there a good long time.

laura b. said...

feefioto: No fear of heights here! I will give you the good weather...I think we're all out of luck on the bathroom though. That makes Four for Ferris Wheel and give it the lead!