Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You Can Choose What You Take

Back to work on this overcast Tuesday.  Want to Talk Talk?  Let's.  Let's share our innermost feelings, shall we?  Well, or alternatively you can humor me with a complete fabrication and/or comment about anything that tickles your ticker.  That'll work too! 

As it sometimes happens, I have Sunday's musical message running through my brain.  Sometimes I pick those nearly randomly when I find a song a remember I like.  Other times, it is more specifically about some lyrics that seem especially apt to me in my life for some reason.  This week, it was a little of both...
Cause you and your heart
Shouldn't feel so far apart...
-Jack Johnson "You and Your Heart"

Just that little snippet.  But I'm feeling it.  I get that sense of separation from my own heart when I am trying to protect myself.  Also, with DR so far away, I sometimes feel more literally separated from my heart. 

Have you ever felt that?  How's your heart right now?  If you are feeling more light hearted, feel free to simply tell me a joke.  The important thing is to Talk Talk!


Tara said...

Okay, Ms. LB, I'll open up my mind and melt all everyone's face off. ;)

I'm feeling relaxed but not light hearted. This is not a fabrication, either, just the same thoughts running through my tired head. I like one guy for some ungodly reason, thinking that maybe it was meant to be, because I've never felt that way before, even though he has ignored the hell out of me in the past and still continues to do a bit of it now.

But there's another guy who claims that I'm things I never thought I was, and his presumptuous pet names make me feel too awkward to take him seriously. He compliments so much that it sounds patronizing. Apparently I need someone in the middle - someone who gives me space but is authentic. Actually, it doesn't sound too bad. But sometimes I feel like I'm being too particular with those wishes. Ack.

AlienCG said...

I found someone who is honest and forthright. She doesn't patronize me and she's not condescending. My heart is doing very well and yours will be better soon.

laura b. said...

Tara: Now, this is the kind of talk I appreciate! I can feel exactlywhat you are going through.
I don't think it is really possible to be too particular in what you want. You know what is going to make you happy, better than anyone. Maybe it won't be Guy A or Guy B, but there are lots of fish in the sea. There...free rhyme just for you :-)

AlienCG: I can really see how well suited you and AlienGF are. I love hearing that your heart is doing very well...and I'm sure you are right...mine will definitely better at some point, thank you.

Churlita said...

I got rid of the guy who was stringing me along for the last year and my heart feels open and free and it's soooo nice not to be pining for someone who never really cared for me, but liked the attention. My heart is open, but in a good way...Not like a wound.

laura b. said...

Churlita: Congratulations on being so brave and taking good care of your heart. I have struggled with issues like that in the past...not knowing when it is time to just LET IT GO....
It is great that your heart is open and unburdened :-)