Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Triumphant Return

Okay, that may be overstating it a bit...but I am, at least, back! It was very nice having a few days off from work, but getting children ready to back to school is fraught with peril. My youngest son, who is now in 5th grade, actually didn't need too much. His grandma had gotten him a whole bunch of school supplies when they were on sale at Tar-jay. He is easy to buy clothes for too, so he had been getting a few items here and there. I only really needed to get him some new shoes and a haircut. The sides to his impulsively shaved mohawk had grown out enough so that the top could simply be trimmed down to match. I guess the peril of the whole enterprise really lie with my daughter. If I just say that she is a) a teenage girl, b) entering her first year of high school, and c) extremely particular, does that paint a pretty clear picture of how things might have gone for us? Got an idea in your head? Okay, now multiply the sheer horror by about 100 and you've got it. Still we got through it and by the time I dropped her off at her friend's house yesterday morning, so that they could arrive at school together, she was confident that she would not be humiliated by her hair, her clothing, or her school supplies. *whew* Everyone is happy. But, oh my, how it cost me. For the next couple of weeks I am hoping that anyone to whom I owe money will allow themselves to be put off a bit.
Personally, I don't remember it being this difficult when I was a child going back to school, but perhaps that is just because I was seeing it from a different angle. Anyway, let me just wish you all a Happy New Year, because that is how this time of year always feels to me! And couldn't most people use a fresh beginning about now? Or is that just me too?


Tara said...

I think I gave my mom a few headaches when she'd take me clothes shopping for school. We have pretty much the same taste, but we're off enough to disagree with each other. Plus, I don't like to shop for clothes when she wants to shop. Ugh...I can feel your pain.

It's great to see you back, though! Even if you are in debt from school shopping! :)

laura b. said...

Tara: I have never enjoyed shopping much in general, so I do feel sort of sorry for people who have to shop with me.
It is nice to be back :-)

Anonymous said...

I was a boy and never needed too much. If I had too much I would have been cast out of my group, the metal kids and stoners, anyway.

laura b. said...

Evil-E: I am sort of generalizing, but boys are a bit less stressed about the impression the will make or something. I need to start a campaign to convince all kids that having too much is completely lame.

FW said...

My daughter is thankfully not yet at that stage, I can see it coming though...

laura b. said...

FW: Run while you still can! haha! I'm kidding, of course...I am sure you will be able to handle it much better than me :-)

Churlita said...

I have a thirteen year old who sounds exactly like your daughter. I can totally relate.

laura b. said...

Churlita: Glad to hear I haven't entered some alternate universe (you know, the one where everyone, really gives a crap what socks you are wearing or what design is on your folder) alone :-)