Saturday, November 4, 2006

Working in a Coalmine

That song, the Devo version, comes to mind because Lord, I am so tired. How long can this go on? I do grow fatigued now and again, through a combination of not enough sleep, stress, and poor fuel (food) choices. This tired I am feeling right now is actually rather pleasurable, though. The fact that I am at work today sort of sucks, because my head feels cottony. But I also have that languid, used up feeling that has a little kick to it somehow.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you linked to me! Thanks! I'll link back when I get the chance, babe. :p

Tara said...

I don't mind feeling tired on a weekend, especially when rain is coming down and there's a storm rumbling outside. When I feel it at work, though, I just want to crawl under my desk and nap. I don't fit under there too well. I've tried. :)

Rachel said...

I always get tired in the afternoon. I try and stay awake by reading blogs.

laura b. said...

Ryan: Yeah, I love your blog. You're an awesome writer.

Tara: Yesterday, with a day off, I did spend a good deal of time lounging on my couch with the clicker. My under-desk accomodations are not so cozy here either...

Rachel: You have the right idea. Keeping the mind pleasantly occupied does wonders!

minijonb said...

when i get rundown tired like this, the best way i've found to get a boost is to start working out at the gym several times a week. the energy boost really helps. however, finding the kickstart to actually get to the gym is the hard part. it's almost a catch-22 situation.

laura b. said...

MiniJonB, I so, so, so need to be working out. My sister actually owns one of those "women's gyms". I can totally work out for free...but I rarely do. But you are right, I know it would boost my energy level.