As most of us would at least claim to be sleep deprived, I thought today's Friday 5 was a perfect end of the week exercise. Friday 5 is fun and cool and allows you to post something with miraculous ease, so you should totally do it. Or comment on it. It's cool, I tells ya! Cool!
1.How many hours’ sleep do you need in order to be at your best, and what’s the minimum you can get on a regular basis and still be functional? I'd say that ideally I'd be getting a good seven hours of sleep each and every night. Maybe even eight, but lets not get crazy. I regularly get more like five or six and it is fine for a while. Then I usually have that day where I am noticeably dazed and I pass out by 9 or 10 pm without being able to do a thing about it.
2.What’s your favorite sleeping position? I like to lay on my right side and spoooooon.
3.What was the cause of your most recent difficulty sleeping? I so rarely have difficulty sleeping. I did wake up extra early this past Monday and couldn't get back to sleep. I think I'd just had a very vivid dream or something. But usually even when I'm upset I can put myself to sleep.
4.When you can’t seem to drift off to sleep right away, what are some things you do to bring about sleep? If I don't feel sleepy enough, I usually just read until I do. Sometimes, doing something to um, physically relax myself, lets say, can help. It is strictly theraputic.
5.When did you last doze off at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate place? I honestly can't think of a time I've dozed off in public or anything like that. I often doze off on the couch when DR is over having one of his all night tv watching sessions, but I think that is appropriate! Who can stay up past 1 or 2 am watching tv? Not me apparently.
Thanks for participating, and have a restful weekend!
I wish I didn't have a hard time sleeping. I'm so jealous of you. I love sleep, it just doesn't love me back. sigh.
I'm definitely in the sleep deprived category, so I' believe I'll take this one on tomorrow.
I rarely get hours of sleep and sometimes I pass out on the sofa to get woken up to go to bed.. Or I will go to bed by 9 pm and still be up at 6-6:30 am.
I lay on my side.. start off with the left side then switch throughout the night.. supposedly..
I had a rash recently (allergic reaction) and it woke me most nights leaving me exhausted..
If I can't get to sleep it's usually because of stress.. I will try for awhile to think of nice things to help me drift off.. But I also have gotten back up for about an hour..
I haven't done that in a long time..but I wouldn't be surprised if I did..
I have been surprised in the past on how I can function on only a few hours. It's like my mind is on autopilot. But usually I get about 6 hours of sleep and crave more sleep time.
I decided to pick up on this meme and just posted it.
I just went to a seminar and the speaker said EVERYONE needs 9-10 hours of sleep. I get 7-8 usually. I count backward from 100 and usually I am asleep before I have to go back up again.
And what has the hamster discovered/solved?
8 is great.
Churlita: Having dealt with insomniacs in my life, I definitely appreciate the knack for sleep!
Secret: I will have to come around and see. I feel so lost when I take a weekend off :-)
Mrs: I remember the exhaustion of having a little one...sleep can just spring on you anytime, anyplace. If it is the couch, all well and good.
I hope you aren't feeling any stress that will keep you from sleeping.
Tara: I think I do that too...go for awhile okay, but eventually the lights are on and nobody's home.
We need to make a 'more sleep' pact!
Crazy4Coens: 9-10 hours? Hard to imagine, but I'm sure it would feel great.
And apparently you are a fellow good sleeper :-)
NoRegrets: He has discovered that occasionally, the librarians have time to kill :-)
Do you get 8? It sure sounds great....
Aflac duck is looking very frightening. I also have traumatic memories from that movie Howard the duck, saw it when I was little, the duck in that movie really freaked me out. I had nightmares.
Sebastien: Seems I don't have to warn you... never underestimate a duck. Vicious, vicious creatures.
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