Monday, January 21, 2008

A Working Holiday

Many people have today off. Here, the library is closed, but we are here having a sort of in-service day. This year, the topic is Web 2.0...sort of making sure we are all able to operate the latest technology available to us and to help keep the old fashioned library up to speed with the modern world. The class made me feel smart, because I have used most of the tools available...we're talking about things like blogging, Flickr, YouTube,, RSS feeds. Pretty basic I think, but not to everyone of course. Anyway it has made this into a rather long, strange day. But it is almost over and I promise to write a more interesting post tomorrow.


AlienCG said...

I know all of those except for the thing. I think it's something along the lines of Digg, but other than that I never paid much attention.

Anonymous said...

I had to work the "holiday" as well. What's really funny about it is that because I work with money and the banks are closed, all of the clients seem to think we are off. They call our place, expecting voice mail or something, and act surprised when we pick up the phone. I spent half the day replying to "oh, you ARE there".

Tara said...

Our school was open so staff had to work and students had to attend. It was a regular old Monday. Your in-service deal sounds interesting, though!

laura b. said...

AlienCG: You're right, is just like Digg...just another way to bookmark and tag.

Evil-E: haha! Oh! A person! I was so hoping for a machine!

Tara: My kids had school too, but other districts didn't. Weird kind of holiday.
The best thing about my in-service day was the free breakfast fruit and donuts, the endless coffee, and the pizza and sody pop lunch ;-)

MrManuel said...

Cool to bring so much knowledge to the table already! Good job!

Churlita said...

I didn't have to work, thank goodness.

I wish I had more computer knowledge. I'm so ignorant about that kind of stuff.

laura b. said...

MrManuel: It did make me feel very cutting edge :-)

Churlita: I don't think of myself as being too much at the forefront of computer knowlege, but among my co-workers I am apparently quite the savant. haha!