The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
Actually, reading back in my blog, a LOT has changed! More than I'd normally realize. I don't read old posts all that often, as there is so much new stuff outside of my own head to read about. However an occasional stroll down memory lane can be useful. Going back, especially to my earliest posts on this particular blog, makes me appreciate where I am in my life right now. Plus, it gives me a renewed appreciation for the whole blogging thing.
It is interesting to read back to old posts, sometimes the ones you first posted when creating the blog.
My results tell me this:
57% - "You are an exercise wheel!"
Good to know!
Your score was 55/100 I am an empty cardboard Box.. Go figure..
Anyways it is always fun to look back at old posts.. I might have to try that soon.. I'm sure we all have made huge changes in our lives during our blogging careers...
43% Sexy Red Slip? Not I.
54% Hell Yeah! I am a He Man action figure!
57%. I am an excercise wheel! *LOL* Interesting haa haaa. I used to think blogs were stupid and a waste of time. But after meeting Evil-E, I have gained a different perspective on them & now view blogs as a personal online diary. Like you have stated, you have seen the changes these past few years. It's like viewing pics of us in the pass with our clothing styles to our hair and we laugh about it in the end :)!
I am a handbag and got a score of 57%
Every once in a while I'll read my old posts. It is weird how much we change in just a couple of years.
Tara: An exercise wheel, hm...well you do like animals... haha!
Mrs: They don't call it the pointless personality quiz for nothing!
It is definitely worth going back to old posts every so often, just for perspective if nothing else.
AlienCG: Woo baby!
Renee: You are Tara's personality quiz twin!
I like what you said about this being like looking at old pictures, that's exactly right. I look back and what seemed important then is different than what seems important now.
Evil-E: And lawd only knows what evil lurks in this so-called handbag...
Churlita: Yes, it was odd. I mean, clearly my situation has changed, but I was most surprised by little things that I had forgotten ever mattered.
MrManuel: Oops missed you...and how could I have when yours is the only one that makes any sense at all! Way to work the quiz ;-)
Why am I always last to comment. I'm gonna be first... one of these days I'll beat ya all! *shakes fist is a scary manner* :o)
I find it difficult to read back over old entries, although I only have this blog on wordpress now and it's only a year old so I guess there isn't too much to look back on. I sometimes wish I had kept my very first 20six blog... now if I could have managed to read it back I bet I would see some huge changes.
Daffy: It doesn't matter when you get here...I just appreciate the visit!
It is sometimes difficult to see how things used to be...good and bad. I hear of active blogs disappearing and I would feel devastated if that happened here.
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