And you know that about me, right? I am a big, big reader from way back, for sure. Let's assume that you all like reading least a little bit. So now, think about what you most like to read, because it is
Choose and Defend Wednesday once again! Choose, and then defend your choice.
So, Readers, what do you most enjoy reading? Is it...
Or is it....
Choose and Defend, Choose and Defend, Choose and Defend, thankew vera mush!
Fiction, definitely. Patterson, Koontz, King, Kimmel (although Haven Kimmel writes stuff slightly autobiographical).
Do I HAVE to choose?
Both have their place in the world.
And in my life...
And I loved Still Life with Woodpecker...
Fiction, definitely.
this is hard, really hard. i want to say fiction, but i probably read more non-fiction.
I thought I left a comment here... :o)
Have you pinched it Laura?
I think I was looking for the fence to sit on. ;o)
Love a bit of fiction so I can let my imagination draw it's own pictures and I love to learn about places and people.
Definitely a hard one to call.
If the choice were between dogs and cats I'd choose dogs though.. definitely dogs. :o)
Hope you are ok Laura, settling in.. x
fiction by a small bit...I am a dork after all and sci-fi, Vonegutt, and twisted creation stories definitely qualifies
I usually do not care for the lives of celebrities but I do like history so non has its merits as well.
I love fiction.. when I have the time to read a book..
I love fiction. It's what I studied and college and one of the things I'm most passionate about. I do read some non-fiction, but if you're making me choose...
Tara: Excellent choices, all!
NoRegrets: You MUST choose! haha! But I understand your dilemma.
And I love it too :-)
AlienCG: You get your non-fiction on the telly, right?
MiniJonB: So it is a question of head or heart here. Always killer.
Daffy: Vous m'accusez? haha! I will accept your answer of dogs and since they behave like cartoon characters most of the time, I will translate that into "fiction". Your answer: Fiction. See what happens when you leave these things to official machinations?
Thanks, Daffy, I am settling in beautifully :-)
Evil-E: You only reach true levels of dorkdom when you begin writing fan-fic. Are you there yet?
Mrs.: haha! Yes, mothers of toddlers don't get much reading in if recall :-)
Churlita: I am definitely making your choose - haha! Soul sister...I was an English major!
Everyone: Tough tally with all the waffling going on! heh heh heh...
Still, it looks to me as if Fiction has quite a lead. Anyone else?
I demand a recount. ;o)
Daffy: Okay, sure., I was right! Fiction by a mile.
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