I had these plans to go out and photograph some of my LOCAL sights and interesting views, etc. Didn't quite happen though. I do have one nice shot though...

Every parent in Glendora probably has a picture of their kids standing amidst the roots of this tree. When I think of the city where I live, this tree is one of the cool things that comes to mind for me. It is our LOCAL celebrity! Well that tree and Michael Anthony, who was in Van Halen before Eddie brought in Wolfie to replace him. And I have no photos of Michael Anthony...
Thanks for stopping in at your handy dandy LOCAL blog for a visit! Check with Cricket and see who she is tagging for next week :-)
If my 40-something brother were near that tree, he'd be climbing in a heartbeat. Actually so would I, it looks like a nice climbing tree. And then I think of Fig Newtons and gets me hungry.
Great job!
I am liking the vast differences in the use of local. That is one cool looking tree.
Cricket chose churlita, but with her being out on the road we might need another choice.
WOW!! What a tree!!
WOW!! What a tree!!
What a beautiful tree! We took some pictures of a grand tree in Williamsburg a few weeks ago. The guide said it was about 250 years old. I think yours has that one beat.
Oh what a great tree. Nice photo.
Tara: If you could get yourself up past that first slippery bare trunk part it would be an awesome tree to sit in.
Evil-E: It was one of those wide open words.
Cricket has now chosen Greg, so that's cool.
Greg: It really is a beaut.
Cricket: I used to take my kids to play there all the time when they were little. It is so peaceful hanging out by a giant tree.
NoRegrets: A loveable tree :-) Thanks.
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