Monday, July 17, 2006

The Return of the Real l.b.

Whew, I am feeling much, much better this week *knock on wood*. I got some sleep in time both yesterday and today, plus there has been a cease fire called at home. Yesterday, WTG and I even ventured out to a movie together, the one activity we can both enjoy without argument. The movie was The Oh in Ohio. I guess it hasn't been getting very good reviews, but I really enjoyed it. I do like Parker Posey a lot.
I've been listening to my new cds, including Dear Catastrophe Waitress, which I like more than The Boy with the Arab Strap, but a bit less, so far, than The Life Pursuit. I also, as I mentioned, replaced the Ditty Bops first cd and got a copy of their new cd Moon Over the Freeway. Ah, love them Dittys....

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