Monday, December 3, 2007

Your Assignment For the Week

For Saturday's Scavenger Shots how about we use the word... LIGHT! See what you can do with that, 'kay? And while I am thinking about it, I will tag AlienCG to come up with the word for the following week.



Anonymous said...

Another shining good example of a word that will be versatile. I will start by digging through the photo box and work my way outwards. I don't think I can find another wrestler!

MrManuel said...

Sounds good! Thanks!

AlienCG said...

Hmmm, now I have a week to think about this. What can I brew up for a word for next week? We'll just have to wait and find out.

laura b. said...

Evil-E: I know you can do grand things with just about any word.

MrManuel: I'll look forward to seeing your 'light' shots.

AlienCG: It is always fun seeing what comes next...

Tara said...

Oo, good word, good word. The gears in my head are turning. :)

Churlita said...

Light, huh? My wheels are spinning already. Let me see what I can come up with.

laura b. said...

Tara: I'm glad I gave you something with which you can work your magic!

Churlita: I know you will come up with something cool and interesting like you tend to do.

Not Fainthearted said...

uh. Hi!

I've been watching Churlita do this for a year or so now. thought I'd join in, if that's OK.


Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Good word... I missed it I think..

laura b. said...

NFH: Excellent! I will really look forward to seeing what you come up with for LIGHT :-)

MrsBHW: Not at all! Do 'light' for this coming Saturday (the 8th) and then watch for AlienCG to pick the word for the 15th!

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Thanks .. Whew! I missed a couple and like you forget the day or time..