Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Days You'll Eat the Bear

Happy Hump Day!  Aw, that never grows old, does it?  Anyhow, it is not only Hump Day, it is also Choose and Defend Wednesday.  Yay!  I know a lot of my Choose and Defends have to do with food.  I can't really help it.  Food is one thing we can all claim to know something about and everyone has an opinion about what they eat.  So there is my Defense of this week's Choose and Defend :-)  See how that works?  And that brings me to my question for you -  which do you prefer, given the choice (and money is no object) for a nice meal?



Eating Out

 I know you want to tell me all about it, so go ahead!  Choose and Defend!

P.S.- If you haven't yet choosen a contestant to support in Dancing with the Stars, please see last week's Choose and Defend Wednesday post and get in on the game.  There could be a sweet $25 gift card in it for you.


Ananda girl said...

Oooohhhh... eating out! I do love to cook, especially when it is appreciated. But I like to be spoiled and waited on now and then.

Churlita said...

Boy, that's tough. I love both equally. I suppose for a special date, I love to go to an amazing restaurant and get all the courses and take 2 hours to finish it all. Eating out, it is.

MrManuel said...

For the most part, eating out. I love the variety. Now, I HATE to cook, but Jess also makes some OUTSTANDING cooked meals to cooking does have advantages.

secret agent woman said...

Well, you know how much I love to cook. But money is no object? I'd choose eating out in a heartbeat! Lots of variety, well-made food and no clean up afterwards. What's not to like about that?

NoRegrets said...

If money is no object, I would go out. I love to eat things that there's no way in hell I'd have the time or patience or ability to cook.

AlienCG said...

I am the master of my kitchen...I am going to say COOKING (unless it's going out for sushi).

3GKnight said...

I was just thinking the other day that I can never plan to eat just a little at home. If I actually go through the effort of cooking, it usually turns out really good and I end up eating it all.

Want to wonder at a strange thought? What if our society didn't have 'cooking at home'? How would society be different if eating out was the only choice?

Anyway...I vote for...and it's taken me up until just this moment to at home.

laura b. said...

Ananda: I know from descriptions that you are a good is nice to be served though, isn't it!
One for Eating Out.

Churlita: That sounds like my kind of evening! Two for Eating Out.

MrManuel: I have very similar food sentiments. Either out or someone else cooks :-) Three for Eating Out.

Secret: You do make wonderful meals, but there is a lot to be said for not being in charge of the clean up. Four for Eating Out.

NoRegrets: Ask for the food and it appears, I love that :-) Five for Eating Out.

AlienCG: Kitchen Master! Very nice. One for Cooking.

3GK: That is an interesting thought...I imagine it being even more informal than it already is...more family style places where you just sit at a table with whoever and get your food.
So, in the end, you like the home option :-) Two for Cooking.

Everyone: This was good! Interesting! We have it at 5-2 now, with Eating Out in the lead over Cooking. If anyone else has a preference, I hope you'll speak up!

Tara said...

Oh no! I thought I commented on this one, but then I remembered that someone at work distracted me.

I chose "Eating Out". Not that I mind cooking now and then, but if someone mentions "restaurant" and/or "grabbing lunch" I'm all about finding a restaurant.

laura b. said...

Tara: Darn that work and the way it distracts us!
Eating out is a pretty clear favorite at this point :-) You are...Six for Eating Out.