I mentioned yesterday that I could use a little sweetness in my life. So, I hope you don't mind if I continue to indulge my sweet tooth on this Choose and Defend Wednesday. I thought of candy, of course. Then I thought about the kind of candy that I associate with childhood. Not that adults don't eat these things, but they just seem to me very connected to sweeter times :-) So, how can I tempt you? Or how can I at least tempt the child in you? Not in a creepy step into my van kind of way....
What's your pleasure?
Candy Necklaces
Pixy Stix
You know what to do...Choose and Defend! This may not be a big fancy issue, but share the sweetness and maybe share a little memory of childhood treats with the rest of us here. Did you bring enough for everyone? I hope so!
Candy necklaces! Seriously, sugar draped around your neck - pure genius.
Oh, you give us two, wicked options...I loved both types of candy as a child and as an adult...
I choose...Pixy Stix! The lime green flavor was always my favorite.
Pixy Stix! If only to get more sweetness faster.
It's so much better to have sugar around your neck!!!
pixie sticks, pixie sticks pixie sticks!!!!!
seriously, do you have any?
Pixy sticks. Actually, I'd prefer those Lick em sticks from the 70's but I'd settle for pixies.
Pixie Sticks. Flavored sugar sticks for the win!
Secret: It does have the taste of genius! One for Candy Necklaces.
Tara: Some things you get to keep as an adult. I think sweet, sweet candy should be right up there. One for Pixy Stix.
KenV: Those babies really are like mainlining sugar :-) Two for Pixy Stix.
NoRegrets: It is a great accessory! Two for Candy Necklaces.
C4C: haha! Yes, yes...have a delicious treat... Three for Pixy Stix.
Churlita: Oooh, yeah, Lick Em Sticks would sort of be the best of both worlds! Four for Pixy Sticks.
MrManuel: Hard to wrong with pure sugar, isn't it. Five for Pixy Sticks.
Eveyone: In a shocking upset Pixy Stix are trouncing Candy Necklaces 5-2! Who'da thunk? Anymore candy supporters out there? Please weigh in! (Your actual weight will NOT be revealed.)
Sorry I'm late, unexpected long weekend. I am going to choose the candy necklace because the candy attached is so sweet whereas the Pixy Sticks are a bit more tart. I will say CANDY NECKLACE and that's final.
AlienCG: Never too late to Choose and Defend. Good call, I say! Three for Candy Necklaces.
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