Over in
Tara's hood it has been decreed that today is the day to post a weird close up picture. This is one I happened to have on my phone. I actually didn't take it though, so I should probably give credit to Handsome Lad. He is the most likely photographer in this case.
A bee? That's excellent! Thanks for playin' in my hood, homey! :D I still need to post my closeup. But I'll do that when I get home and I can reeeelaxxxx. Workin till 8:30pm.
I have two late days most weeks...this isn't one of them hallelujah!
Can't wait to see your closeup.
I cannot remember if you were around my site at the end of July/early August. When I get back up, look at the catagory "those f**cking bees". You will understand why I am shaking just looking at this picture.
Oooooohhhhh, right! Sorry for the creepy memories, Evil-E. It looked like maybe your site would be up soon?
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