Monday, February 13, 2006

A Big Surprise

Yesterday morning the family got together for my birthday brunch at Peppertree, our usual gathering spot. It was a nice time and all of the kids managed to show up, minus my nephew. My big present was....wait for it....a new car! Okay, not new new, but 10 years newer than my old car. It was WTG's doing. He can be great like that...when he is not being a bastard. It was a total surprise and a lovely one at that. I also got some candy, lots of socks, some new shirts, a Wxx-Mxxx gift card ($100 goes a long way at that place). I also got a sweet framed picture of the five kids together at the Big Tree. It was a lovely celebration. Today at work they gave me a cake and a card. It was so sweet. I just love birthdays...and it isn't even really my big day just yet! Well, the actual day I guess will be a bit anticlimactic. I can live with that :-)
Oh, Team C gave me a gift last time we got together...I was so thrilled he remembered! It means a lot to me. I don't think the Swordsman even knew when it was, but I sort of let it drop last Friday. Yeah, I like to get the word out. He doesn't seem like the type to go out of his way to acknowlege something like that, but I just thought I'd put it out there and see....

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