Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Be Careful You Don't Lose Yours

Hola. Choose and Defend Wednesday has arrived with another question for you! This one is just sort of a 'who are you?' type of thing. Simple.

Are you more likely to...

Speak without Thinking

Think without Speaking
After you Choose which you are most likely to do...tell us why. I guess it can be why you think you do what you do....or at least why you think that is what you do. Or something like that. You know, Defend, in a sense, your choice!
Thanks for being here. And thanks for playing Choose and Defend Wednesday, a high point in my week :)


Tara said...

Think without Speaking, definitely! My mind doesn't stop, even when it's time to go to sleep. Nobody knows what's clanking around in my brain.

Secret Agent Woman said...

Although my mind runs constantly and I don't always say so, I'm definitely going with speaking without thinking. My older son calls me the Hagrid of moms because I frequently tell him things and then immediately say, "Ooh, maybe I shouldn't have told you that..."

FW said...

I'm sorry to say I'm much more inclined to think without speaking. I guess there is a part of me that thinks it's not polite to say what I think all the time. It's also that I can't exactly articulate what I'm thinking while I'm still having the thought. I know some people who talk drivel because they don't have the limiter in their brain that I seem to have. It impedes me a lot of the time but sometimes it's helpful not to say what I think.

MrManuel said...

I'm a guy, I speak without thinking. Or so I am told.

silly rabbit said...

This is hard for me. If I am among friends, its certainly a speak without thinking situation.
However, if I feel threatened in any way, I tend to say little and then think of all kinds of things that I should have said at the time.
Can I be wishy-washy about it?

AlienCG said...

It really depends on the day. I used to speak without thinking a lot more than I do now. Now I tend to think without speaking. I prefer to write without thinking, then go back and think before editing. Now that is not really a choice, is it?

Anonymous said...

I'm a think without speaking, unfortunately in a compulsive way.

The good side, though, is that usually by the time I speak (or write, usually) I have my thoughts fairly well organized. The end result is that I occasionally look smart or clever even though I'm USDA Grade C average dullard.

Anonymous said...

I'm a think without speaking, unfortunately in a compulsive way.

The good side, though, is that usually by the time I speak (or write, usually) I have my thoughts fairly well organized. The end result is that I occasionally look smart or clever even though I'm USDA Grade C average dullard.

Pamela said...

The latter. As I found out... Why? I want to make sure what I say is what I mean. OK, so maybe 90% of the time.

laura b. said...

Tara: A woman of mystery :) One for Think w/o Speaking.

Secret: ha! I like that - the Hagrid of moms :) One for Speak w/o Thinking.

FW: I believe my mind works in much the same way as yours. I get it! Two for Think w/o Speaking.

MrManuel: You? Hard to imagine! Two for Speak w/o Thinking.

Silly: Hey I am so glad to see you, I will accept both the wishy and the washy!

Jasen: Good golly. You are a complicated fellow :)

James: Don't be so hard on my friend! It seems your mind is constantly at work on the editing :) Three for Thinks w/o Speaking.

NoRegrets: It may not be a bad policy. Four for Thinks w/o Speaking.

Everyone: Finally got back to this! And an interesting array of answers it is, too! Right now we have 2-4
Speakers under Thinkers...and a couple of folks who simply could not parse out an answer...could this, in fact, be telling? No telling...
Anyone else who wants to comment here, please feel free!!!