Welcome to Saturday and my Scavenger Hunt post! Today is EASY thanks to our super cool friend over at
Woman with No Regrets. I started thinking about things the are EASY for me. I thought, "Am I EASY?" Then I gasped indignantly and slapped my own face and said, "How dare you!" And my voice sounded super snooty. So the anwer is - No, of course I am not EASY. But some things are EASY for me. Among these things I would definitely include:
Sleeping. I am a gosh darn champion sleeper! It is so EASY for me to fall asleep and stay that way.
Getting lost in my books. It is so EASY for me to leave this cold, cruel world behind and read about someone else's world. Mad skillz, right? Well, I hope you enjoyed these EASY shots. Check with
NoRegrets to find out who she is going to tag for next week!
It is so nice when I hit the pillows and I drift off to sleep so easily. I can also get lost in a good book as well. I have a few books I should be getting lost in right now. Excellent photos. Thanks for sharing.
Oh perfect photos! Hail to the champion of sleep! It looks like you are definitely a pro.
You are a lucky ducky, getting a good sleep is the best and oh so crucial! college was the worst for me, I need my sleep, but people would be blasting their music all night long. I love being an old man in a young man's body, it is quite fun being curmudgeonly :)
do you have any recommendations book wise, something you've really liked of late?
I'm with you on the reading, and I wish I were with you on the sleeping, but I'm not always the best at falling asleep. Once I'm out, I can sleep through anything though.
AlienCG: It makes me feel good to know that I have some useful abilities. Glad you liked the photos...I liked yours too!
Tara: Thank you, thank you! I'd like to thank my non-delicate constitution which has made this all possible.
Sebastien: Hey, are you that old/young guy shouting - Hey! You kids pipe down or I'm gonna come pipe you down with a lead pipe!
Oh yeah, I recommend the book seen in the photo. It is called The Flying Troutman's by Miriam Toews. Good stuff.
Churlita: I know you mentioned that running has helped you with falling asleep. I wonder if, like me, you have had conversations with your kids...and not remembered a word of it because you were completely asleep?
I am the same with reading. Sleeping, well, YOU ARE LUCKY!
Movin': I feel lucky. Sleep is so restorative, I appreciate it every night :-)
Mad mad skills. ;-)
I choose Alien next week...
NoRegrets: Thank you :-) Can't wait to see what Alien assigns us.
I have noted the book in my notebook, look forward to checking it out. And that was a great recommendation on the Dr. Seuss Goes to War, sounds fascinating!
Sebastien: I love suggesting books to people. Ask anytime :-)
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