Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Know You Better Than You Think

Hi Saturday Scavenger Shotians! This week I chose the word EXPLOSION because all week long I heard those practice booms leading up to the big, flashy Independence Day celebration of this past Thursday. I thought, "Easy shot."

Not really though...I ended up not going out to seek out a fireworks show that hot, dark night. I sat at home on my own little balcony, mostly hearing, but not seeing much. What EXPLOSION would I have to show you?  Finally got this sorry spectacle from the street below me where some kids were goofing off -

A small, street-level EXPLOSION to celebrate 237 years of freedom from British tyranny. Or was it a British tranny? It was so long ago...who can remember?
I also found, in my files, this photo -
Took this truck fire photo some time ago. It seems like an event that might lead to an EXPLOSION, right? I don't think it did, but it could have!
I hope any EXPLOSIONs in your future are the good kind. Like orgasmic or what have you. No getting your fingers or such blown off.  I mean, you can get blown off, but...never mind. This is getting all out of hand or way too into hand or I'm going to shut up now. Happy Saturday! And tag to're it!

1 comment:

Secret Agent Woman said...

I heard fireworks well into the night on the 4th, in spite of a steady downpour.