Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This Was Not a Test, This Was All For Real

You came back! Thank you :) You're just in time for another scintillating Choose and Defend Wednesday. We all have our wishes for things that would make life easier for us. Today, I am going to give you a choice of two...which would be most valuable to you (Choose) and why? (Defend)

Would you rather...

Be able to eat anything and as much as you want with no health consequences

Be completely refreshed after three hours of sleep
And a-one, and a-two, now-a you know what to do!  Chew-chew-chooooose and Duh-duh-defeeend!  Sorry....just trying to amp up the excitment in here a smidge:)
Thanks for stopping by and playing my little game. You're the best! Yes, you! kbai.


Anonymous said...

I'm going for the food, Ralphie Wiggum. Sleep is specifically a bodily function, but food has social and emotional functions. There's no escaping it, so make my bulletproof.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with food. Sure it'd be nice to have all those extra hours but eating without consequence is just too tempting.

Tara said...

Well if all I needed was three hours of sleep, I'd have lots of time on my hands to eat whatever I wanted. Hmm.... Let me think...

Since I love food and am craving all of the food in those photos, I choose to eat whatever I want without any health or weight consequences.

dmarks said...

The sleep thing. There's a great science fiction series about people who do without sleep. I wish I remembered the name of it.

They became a super-class, lording it over the dullards who had to sleep 1/4 of the day away and were dozey the rest of the time.

laura b. said...

James: It's very true that there is that social aspect of food. Good defense. One for Food.

Silver: It is tempting, isn't it!
Two for Food.

Tara: haha! That is a pretty good selection of deliciousness :) Three for Food.

Dmarks: That's interesting! And an excellent defense for you choice...rule the world! One for Less Sleep.

Everyone: So far we are at 3-1, with the harmless food option ruling. I'd love to hear from more of you about this! Choose and Defend :)

NoRegrets said...

Sleep for sure! Boy, all the time you could use for other things! Food is great but whatever... so you'd have more time to exercise!

FW said...

This is a hard one because I enjoy both my sleep and my food. I like the idea of not having any consequences to eating fast food. However, my conscience knows it's wrong to just eat that stuff. I think I'll take the moral high road and go for needing less sleep. I only hope I use the extra time wisely and don't annoy my family!

laura b. said...

NoRegrets: Aw, you're such a go-getter! I should have guessed how you'd answer :) Two for Less Sleep

FW: I can appreciate the moral high road! I'm sure you would use the time very wisely. Three for Less Sleep.

Eveyone: It is a tie now! 3-3. Tie breaker! Tie breaker! Tie breaker!

BrightenedBoy said...

Food. No question.