Monday, October 4, 2010

What's Next?

Another week, another weekend done and gone.  Time is truly flying.  Is it for you?

Friday was an odd day.  I was off work, just home doing laundry and other chores.  It had been a blazing hot week, and Friday was hot too...but then all of a sudden there was this enormous cloud burst.  The rain was torrential, and then it began to hail!  It was so loud...very dramatic weather.  The air felt a bit cooler while it was raining, but it stopped just as suddenly as it had started and got very hot again.  Plus of course, even more humid.  I just sat on my couch with the door open, watching Fantastic Mr. Fox and the weather, both.  Bonus, got in a long phone convo. with my DR. 

Saturday I worked and had my big Fall Harvest Fun program.    There were crafts, which the kids here seem to really enjoy.  We also did a couple of stories and songs and talked about things that happen in Fall.

The program was very well attended...we had a door count of 111.  I was happy to have such a great turnout.  Here is a crowd shot of people attacking the craft tables :-)  While the kids were working, I went around telling riddles.  I gave them stickers for guessing the right answer.  Remember, kids will do just about anything for a sticker.  haha!  Use your power wisely!
After work I had dinner with Social Animal, Handsome Lad, Kick Back Dude and the kids.  Kick Back Dude and Princess Diva have separated, so KBD has been staying at his dad's.  He had the kids all weekend, which was not easy at the house, but for now it is the way it has to be. 

Sunday was a very quiet day for me.  I slept in a bit, which was heaven.  Girlie Girl had to work and the boys were busy, so I just sat around and caught up a little on my DVR'd stuff.  All that fab fall television!  I also had another nice long talk with DR.  In theory, we are about 1/3 of the way through this year of being apart.  Yeah, I am not so sure of that, but until I hear otherwise, I am thinking in those terms.  I miss him so, but I am enjoying the gift of really, really talking to one another.  You know how it is when you are with someone....of course, you talk, but days go by where it is good to just be quiet together.  Without that option of physical comfort, if we want to interact and stay connected, we have to talk to each other!  So, I'm choosing to appreciate that part of being apart. we are facing another week, moving into October and the start of the Silly Season (which I am vowing not to let make me crazy this year!)  Have a great week ahead!


Ananda girl said...

When Randy and I were apart, those long conversations were what kept us close. And it helped with the passing of time. I always slept better after and felt that closeness, even though we were not in the same location. I did not think that time was flying, but looking back, it did.

Oh, this makes me miss kids and fun in the library! Its a joy to me to see it here.

3GKnight said...

Tis the season for weird weather. It was nice a warm on Friday, maybe in the low 70's, stayed in the low 50's on Saturday, and was back up into the 70's on Sunday. Don't get caught without a jacket!

So glad that your fall festival went well!

secret agent woman said...

Catching up after a weekend with virtually no internet time. Too late to defend, but of course I'd have to go with photography!

Sounds like you guys have been having some fun, and I'm so glad for you about the new car!

MrManuel said...

I don't know how you can go a whole year. Jess and I are crazy after a couple of days! Hell, sometimes even a day.

laura b. said...

Ananda: It's hard, being apart. I'm looking forward to the next part of the story where we reunite :-)

I really do love my job, most days.

3GK: In general, I prefer heat. However, the break in the heat today felt rather good. Too much of anything will get to you.

Thanks, I was glad too!

Secret: Never too late! I can't say I'm surprised...your photos are so beautiful and interesting.

It is a very basic sort of car, but I am relieved to have something that feels, at least for now, more reliable...and dry!

MrManuel: I know! You guys are sweet :-) But by that same token, if for some weird reason you had to be apart, your relationship is strong enough that you could survive it if you had to...that is all we're trying to do, get through it and be together again.

Tara said...

I'm glad you and DR still keep a line of communication open!

I'm sorry to hear about Kick Back Dude's separation. I hope they can work things out, but I know those things take time. Wishing them lots of good luck.

That Fall Harvest Fun program was a great success - you had a big turnout! Gotta love the craft tables. :)

laura b. said...

Tara: We make the effort...sometimes one or the other of us has to push it a bit
Thanks for the good wishes for my son and his ex-ish...I am unable to hold out a lot of hope, but who knows?
Yes, people like a little free fun on a Saturday. It's a good time.

BrightenedBoy said...

I'm sorry to hear that Kick Back Dude and Princess Diva have separated. That seems to be going around lately.

Is DR your husband? Are you apart?

laura b. said...

BrightenedBoy: I'm hoping that KBD and PD will work things out. They are young and have lots of work ahead of them
DR is my boyfriend (a term I'm not that fond of at my age...but I haven't hit upon a necessarily better term) He had to return to North Carolina a few months ago to take care of some family things. I'm hoping he'll be back in California before next summer.