Somehow that little Zoolander quote came to mind...although it is not at all relevant. I did receive a compliment though! We have these comment forms at the library, so that people can complain about things and admin. can follow up in writing and the complainers feel that their issues are being dealt with. Sometimes people take it into their head to be NICE on the comment card! This morning, one of my supervisors brought me a copy of a nice comment that I received yesterday. It says:
The lovely children's librarian on duty at 4 pm was so-o-o-o helpful & kind & pleasant. Very very wonderful. So, well, it wasn't addressed to me by name, but it would have been me on duty then... I wish I could remember who it was and what I did that was so nice. I haven't a clue, honestly. Still it is nice to be complimented every now and again, isn't it?
Here I am doing my best 'let me ponder your question' face.
Getting compliments can be very good for the old self esteem. Hopefully, the boss keeps that in your record and it reemerges at raise time.
"Earth to [LB], I was at a day spa. Day. D.A.I.Y.E." :)
I love that photo of you. If the Saturday Scavenger Shot word was "pensive", you would most certainly have to post that photo. :)
Great compliment! Didn't that just make your day? Work compliments really help. Well out-of-work compliments help too, but work compliments just seem to help work go by a little better.
Its nice to get compliments.. especially since you have a secret admirer of sorts.. Keep up the great work..
So often those things are labelled or thought of as "complaint boxes". How nice to have that happen!
Evil-E: It does feel good when people notice the good things, not just the negatives.
Tara: haha! Zoolander kills me :-) Thanks! It really did make my day. You know how a job can get to feeling so routine. It is nice when someone makes it feel special :-)
MrsBHW: I do make an effort to be pleasant and helpful and things like this make it easier for me to continue to do so.
Dmarks: Exactly. Comments are much more often complaints than compliments, so it was very nice!
That's so nice. Sometimes you don't have to do anything specific to make people appreciate you. Good service in general is enough.
Churlita: I guess so, because I know I seldom do all that much that I would consider beyond the call of duty...
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