You might come out on top, but you'll feel like crap. haha! I know...after five kids I should have known. I do know. Still sometimes Handsome Lad and I just have to duke it out. He is a VERY emotional kid.
Here he is enjoying a giant icee in happier times.
haha! I get it...I am kind of emotional too. Presumably, though, I've learned to take better charge of my emotions. Sometimes it works that way...mostly it does, but not always. In the end though, it didn't do any damage. We both said what we wanted to say and I think he was reminded that people outside of his own head have feelings too. We all forget that once in awhile.
Other than that little bit of bad mommy-ing my weekend was good enough. I worked on Saturday with my new boss. She had this great idea to split our desk time down the middle of the day day. She asked if I would do 10-2 and she could do 2-6. Usually we do 1 to 2 hours on the desk at a time and alternate with whoever is here. But I was all over this idea. She was giving me the less insane 4 hours...and also giving me 4 hours in a row free! Well, not free...still plenty to do, but not public oriented. Anyway, I thought it was fine, but I'm not sure if she'll ever ask to do it again :-)
Saturday night both Girlie Girl and Handsome Lad were out, so I just hung around on Facebook. It gave me a chance to catch up on my many, many gifts from my friends (Randall, do you ever read are the champion!).. I let them build up for awhile, but they accumulate suprisingly usually once a week I go through my request list accepting things and sending things back because I am a good Facebook friend like that. There is almost always someone to chat with there, too. Facebook on a Saturday night. Don't be jealous.
On Sunday, I slept in. It felt like heaven. My son, Social Animal, called and invited me to come have pizza at the park with he and his friends.
This is the company Social Animal works for as an EMT while he is going to school.I'm not sure what inspired him to throw a pizza luncheon, but it was nice to be invited. When I got there, it was Social Animal and four of his friends sitting around just talking and eating pizza. I joined them and it was fun to talk with them...and to just sit quietly and listen to them talk. They are all young men on the brink of adulthood...Social Animal will be 20 in a couple of weeks...but they are still so sweet and childlike in some ways. After lunch they decided to go on a hike, so I excused myself and went on home to watch the last episode of Six Feet Under, season one. I am making my way through that series again on Netflix. So far, it is just as awesome as I remember it to be. Also watched the season finale of Breaking Bad. Oh. My. Gawd. That show is amazing and very dark. Again, I can't recommend it strongly enough.
I also got a phone call and invitation from my friend The Activist. He wants me to come out to a screening on Thursday evening in Echo Park. I am not clear on all the details, but it seems to involve some sort of video and speaker...and the subject is monorails. Well, yeah, why not? What the hell else do I have going on? Nothing wrong with learning more about a clean, quiet alternative form of transportation. And we do stuff like this for our friends, right? Right.
....Yikes...just now Princess Diva texted me and told me she had taken Miss Personality to the doctor for a rash and it turned out to be
scabies. Ew. I know it isn't that uncommon, but I am a little grossed out...I can't help it. Sorry Miss Personality. I still love you, but I'll see you guys when this is aaaaallllll gone. Add bad grandma to my resume, s'il vous plait.
Um, hmmmm...well, now it is Monday. Let's see how it all goes, shall we? Talk back is welcomed, as always :-)